Hello my friends!
- Recording: Raym
- Models: Marie, Adib
It’s been a while since mt last visual FX videos.
- Recording: Marie
- Model: Raym
Too long. I miss it…
- Recording: Marie
I had to focus on more professional work.
- Recording: Marie
- Model: Raym
But let’s have a break, and make something else.
- Recording: Marie
- Model: Raym
Let’s go back to the root, to the source.
- Models: Raym, Marie, Leek
Arts is a sport: practicing help you stay healthy!
- Recording: Aza
- Model: Raym
Fortunately, with a bit of effort, we retrieve our skills.
- Recording: Raym
- Models: Marie, Adib
Phew! That was intense! Let’s rest until the next series.
- Recording: Raym
- Model: Boubou
Thanks for passing by, see ya! I will surely have a lots of other thing to tell you the next time. 🙂
- Recording: Raym
Visual effects by X-Raym with After Effects. Thanks to Marie for her support and active participation in most of the cinemagraphs, and for having offered me the camera which made these possible ! Thanks Aza for having recorded the first video (chronologically) of this first series !