Some compagnies have no special feature request management, just a basic mail contact. Some as forms that you invite to fill, but you never have any answer.
But at Cockos, feature requests are on the user forum itself, with a vote system that allo the dvelopper to see what the community need/want/think about.
This made the writting of feature request for Reaper very pleasing : we fill listend, both by the community, and by the Developers.
The SWS extensions for Reaper have a similar system.
This article as for purpose to centralize the Cockos Reaper feature requests I wrotte or which I voted for, in order to show you what I would love to have in Reaper… and ecourage you to vote 🙂
I don’t explain the detail of the feature requests, cause it’s already well written on Cockos forum or on the SWS extension code google website.
The list bellow will of course evolves regulary.
Items lists are placed in importance order, from the higher to the lower.
Cockos Reaper
Feature Requests I wrote
- Better Scripts Management: Importation, Folders, ID, Deletion
- Too much Buttons on a Toolbar – Problems and Propositions
- Section of Midi Items and Loop
- Copy Action Name
- Powerful marker/regions idea (maybe easy to do too)
- Copy-Cut-Paste Text to/from Clipboard Actions
Takes Random Action – Pan and More. Many Thanks to spk77 for helping me on this with his great EEL script !Set Value… – Envelope Point ActionDone with a script!- Regions Sets – Set/Display/Hide/Name Groups of Region
- Define Cursor Position in Continuous Scrolling
- Faint Peak – Overlapping Items
- Ryhtmo Band Like Behaviour
- Custom Action and Localization (idea)
- Show Selection Informations at the Bottom of TCP
- Press and Hold Keyboard Shortcuts. Thank you so much to Xenakios, who made a Windows DLL for me !
Tooltips/Toolbars Always on Top Priorityélastique v3 update- Too many project tabs open make the last one unreadable
- Add a Visual Cue when Two Projects are playing at The Same Time
- Auto-update and auto-install
Feature Requests I voted for
- Volume Envelope display scale for better use
- Replacing all OS-based GUI elements with skinnable elements
- Integrate access to online user script database, automate user scripts management
- Even more colour
- Drag to change order of Automation lanes
- Copy text of actions in list
- REAPER metering enhancements – Cockos Confederated Forums – Projects
- Frequency dependent colored peaks (Comparisonics)
- Better tap tempo that measures by average taps
- Customize Menu/Toolbar
Tooltips drawn under pinned toolbar- MIDI Does not Respond to Timebase Correctly
- Envelope zooming
- Replace peaks with item/take name when minimized
- Preserve pitch when changing play rate – setting default preference