

Raymond Radet
Legal Status : Independent Freelancer
Siret : 52875455900011
e-mail : Use form on Contact page.


Legal Status : SARL
Website :
Head office : RCS Clermont Ferrand – France

Privacy Policy


In order to measure the audience of the website, anonymous data about visitors are registered by the Statcounter external service.

Comments are managed by Disqus. This service also tracks anonymous data, and can set a cookie with user login infos so that they can be used on other sites that use this service.

If you don’t want any infos about you to be recorded, even if it is anonymous, you can disable Tracking in your browser preference, or you can use the Ghostery plugin for a more selective deactivation. However, you will not be able to read and write comments if you disable Disqus.

Registered Users

User registration is reserved to client of products on this website.

Users don’t have to give their real personal infos, but they have to give a valid email address.

Cookies can be set on the user computer, with its login infos. In any case, these cookies can be used by another service. These cookies last for two weeks.

General Terms and Conditions of Sale

This website have an e-commerce section. Users have to be registered in order to buy a product. Some products can be used out of the box, others may need a License activation (limited and variable duration). A license renewal could be done if needed.

Payment Method

Payments are made with PayPal. No infos about your credit card is stocked on this server.

After-Sales Service

If you have any problem with a product, you can access the Support page, accessible only to registered users.

Returns Policy

Because products on this website are digital and sold without copy protection, there you can’t ask for returns. If you have any problem with one of my product, please contact me, and we will try to find a solution together.