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ReaScript Video Tutorial — Part. 6: Time Selection

In this video, we will work on time selection, and make more complex conditions.

Code Snippet:

-- This is an extract of the script
start_time, end_time = reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange2(0, false, false, 0, 0, false) -- Get start and end time selection value in seconds

if start_time ~= end_time then -- if there is a time selection
    count_items = reaper.CountMediaItems(0) -- count items in the project
    for i = 0, count_items - 1
        item = reaper.GetMediaItem(0, i)
        item_pos = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_POSITION")
        item_len = reaper.GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH")

        item_end = item_pos + item_len -- Calculate the item end position

        if (item_pos > start_time and item_pos < end_time) or (item_end > start_time and item_end < end_time) or (item_pos < start_time and item_end > end_time) then -- check if item is in time selection
            reaper.SetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_FADEOUTLEN", item_mouse_fadeout) -- Set new value
        end -- end if item is in time selection

Next videos will show you how to get items based on selected tracks.

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