Just made a new tutorial about how I translate a REAPER tempo map to DaVinci Resolve for Music Video Editing, using free ReaScripts I coded! Enjoy !
Tag Archives: scripts
Tuto: Sound Effects Editing with REAPER scripts (multi-tracks version)
And here is the follow up of my tutorial about sound effects editing! Hope you will enjoy it, Cheers!
Tuto: Sound Effects Editing with REAPER scripts (video)
Hi everyone! I just released a new video to showcase my sound FX editing workflow in REAPER, for which I have made lots of custom scripts! Making this tutorial was quite interesting cause I had to learn quite some new things to have a good workflow in OBS Studio with an CamLink. I should made […]
Coding REAPER Scripts for Soundiron — Part 2
My second major ReaScript dev contract with Soundiron.
Coding REAPER Scripts for Soundiron
My ReaScript contract with Soundiron.
REAPER v5, Text Items and Scripts: Subtitling, Faster Than Ever!
The quickest and easiest way to create time code subtitles, using Text Items, Dynamic Split and Scripts within REAPER 5.
ReaScript Basics — Interview on REAPER blog / Part-2
Few days ago, Jon published the first part of the answers I gave him for an interview about scripting for REAPER for his famous REAPER Blog. It was an introduction of the concepts behind ReaScript and how it works. The second part of this interview is more personal, as it is about how I jump […]
ReaScript Basics — Interview on REAPER blog / Part-1
If you know REAPER, you probably already know that you can create you own custom actions, using a serie of actions put the one after other. You also probably know the SWS/S&M extensions, and cycles actions, which let you program more complex actions, with conditions and repetitions, and other nice features. But do you know […]
My Free REAPER Scripts Pack
This page has for purpose to list all the scripts I’ve written for Cockos REAPER. As bonus, there is also listed scripts I host on my account, but who are written by other authors. In details, you will see: Scripts I wrote Scripts that has been written for me Scripts I modified (mods) Scripts needed […]
Better Subtitling with SWS v2.6.0 and Custom EEL Scripts
Until now, subtitling with REAPER, with the help of the famous community-made SWS extensions, could leave you some doubts. It was both extremely efficient for defining timecodes, and frustrating because some basic functions were missing. Worst, certain things were a bit buggy, and we also have to use external softwares. Forget all of this, REAPER […]