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Lecture Conseillée : Techniques d’animation : Pour le dessin animé, l’animation 3D et le jeu vidéo

Le Livre Techniques d’animation : Pour le dessin animé, l’animation 3D et le jeu vidéo est un livre écrit par Richard Williams, un animateur de prestige, notamment connu pour avoir été le directeur de l’animation du film Qui veut la Peau de Roger Rabbit. Un mec qui connaît bien son métier, en somme. Bien que je […]

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The Most Powerful Features in Krita for Digital Painters

Update (2016-18-04): This article has been writing at Krita 2.9.2. Krita is now v3.0, and get a lot of extra features that could have been showcased here, like performance optimization for very large brushes and canvas, traditional animation module, animated brushes, new blending mods dedicated to painting… Also, a lot of improvements on stability, performance, […]

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Colorize a Comic Strip With Photoshop – Tutorial on PSDtuts+

15 Jun 2010, my article Colorize a Comic Strip With Photoshop was published on the PSDtuts+ platform (now named DesignTuts+), a big platform for tutorials about multimedia (PSDtuts+ had 130 000followers at this time). Because every tutorials are evaluated before any publication, i’m proud to be one of the lucky guy who can see one […]