For my music related videos, I use static lighting, and do all brightness automation and color changes in post-production, at the video editing stage. I even coded an After Effects script to animate gamma in sync with the song tempo, for a new track by Friops. I also recently had to control lights for few […]
Category Archives: Articles
This category contains all posts that have been written in order to share a knowledge or a point of view.
Vidéo : Juliette (Kino Express)
Ma contribution au court-métrage Juliette réalisé par Enny Harlan et Ando Domato dans le cadre du Kino Express.
Music Video: Toneforge Disruptor Riff Contest
My entry for the Riff Contest organized by JST for their new guitar amp modelling plugin Toneforge Disruptor!
Screenwritng in Fountain Format: Interoperability, Render and Analysis
Analyse your Fountain screenplays with X-Raym’s Fountain.js mod.
Screenwritng in Fountain Format: Using and Customizing Atom Editor
Using Atom as a Fountain screenplay editor.
Screenwriting in Fountain: Concept and Basic Usage
Concept and advantages of writing screenplay using the Fountain format.
ReaScripts: Creating Karaoke Songs for UltraStar and Vocaluxe with REAPER (Update: REAPER Karaoke Lyrics Viewer)
A set of reascripts I made for UltraStar/Vocaluxe interoperability with REAPER.
Lecture: The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman (revised and expanded edition)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.
Interactive Markers and Transcript for WaveSurfer-WP Premium
I originally wrote this system for WaveSurfer-WP Premium, but since the writing of this article, I succeed to port this to YouTube embeded video player and SoundCloud. It would need a bit more work for a WordPress integration but the demo are encouraging. Let me know in comments if you are interested! For my WaveSurfer-WP […]
Web Experiments with the Copic Color System
Time to create interactive colors sets with HTML, PHP, JavaScript and jQuery! For my WebComics, I needed to extend my Copic Colors Markers set. But markers are expensive, and there is a lot of choice (something around 358 colors – the feature image above is not my own set; mine is way less complete 😛 […]